I want to start by tring to create a bird list for Whitemoor Haye and I currently have 143 birds on my list. They are the following:-
1. Little Grebe, 2. Great Crested Grebe, 3. Black-necked Grebe, 4. Cormorant, 5. Little Egret, 6. Grey Heron, 7. Mute Swan, 8 Bewick's Swan, 9. Whooper Swan, 10. Bean Goose, 11. Pink-footed Goose, 12. White-fronted Goose, 13. Greylag Goose, 14. Canada Goose, 15. Barnacle Goose, 16. Brent Goose, 17. Egyptian Goose, 18. Ruddy Shelduck, 19. Shelduck, 20. Wigeon, 21. Gadwall, 22. Teal, 23. Mallard, 24. Pintail, 25. Shoveler, 26. Pochard, 27. Tufted Duck, 28. Scaup, 29. Goldeneye, 30. Smew, 31.Goosander, 32. Ruddy Duck, 33. Sparrowhawk, 34. Buzzard, 35. Kestrel, 36. Merlin, 37. Hobby, 38. Peregrine, 39. Red-legged Partridge, 40. Grey Partridge, 41. Pheasant, 42. Moorhen, 43. Coot, 44. Oystercatcher, 45. Avocet, 46. Little Ringed Plover, 47. Ringed Plover, 48. Dotteral, 49. Golden Plover, 50. Grey Plover, 51. Lapwing, 52. Sanderling, 53. Curlew Sandpiper, 54. Dunlin, 55. Ruff, 56. Woodcock, 57. Jack Snipe, 58. Snipe, 59. Black-tailed Godwit, 60. Bar-tailed Godwit, 61. Whimbrel, 62. Curlew, 63. Redshank, 64. Greenshank, 65. Green Sandpiper, 66. Common Sandpiper, 67. Turnstone, 68. Mediterranean Gull, 69. Black-headed Gull, 70. Lesser Black-backed Gull, 71. Herring Gull, 72. Yellow-legged Gull, 73. Great Black-backed Gull, 74. Common Tern, 75. Arctic Tern, 76. Black Tern, 77. Stock Dove, 78. Woodpigeon, 79. Collared Dove, 80, Barn Owl, 81. Little Owl, 82. Tawny Owl, 83. Short-eared Owl, 84. Swift, 85. Kingfisher, 86. Green Woodpecker, 87. Great Spotted Woodpecker, 88. Skylark, 89. Sand Martin, 90. Swallow, 91. House Martin, 92. Meadow Pipit, 93. Yellow Wagtail, 94. Grey Wagtail, 95. White Wagtail, 96. Pied Wagtail, 97. Wren, 98. Dunnock, 99. Robin, 100. Whinchat, 101. Stonechat*, 102. Wheatear, 103. Blackbird, 104. Fieldfare, 105. Song Thrush, 106. Redwing, 107. Mistle Thrush, 108. Grasshopper Warbler, 109. Sedge Warbler, 110. Reed Warbler*, 111. Lesser Whitethroat, 112. Common Whitethroat, 113 Garden Warbler, 114. Blackcap, 115. Chiffchaff, 116. Willow Warbler, 117. Goldcrest, 118. Long-tailed Tit, 119. Willow Tit, 120. Marsh Tit, 121. Blue Tit, 122. Great Tit, 123. Treecreeper, 124. Woodchat Shrike, 125. Jay, 126. Magpie, 127. Jackdaw, 128. Rook, 129. Carrion Crow, 130. Raven, 131. Starling, 132. House Sparrow, 133. Tree Sparrow, 134. Chaffinch, 135. Brambling, 136. Greenfinch, 137. Goldfinch, 138. Linnet, 139. Lesser Redpoll, 140. Bullfinch, 141. Yellowhammer, 142. Reed Bunting, 143. Corn Bunting. However the ones with asterixes (*) I think are a bit dodgy, seen whilst I was learning I suppose but if anyone has them on their list it would be good to hear.
To add to the above I am also aware of the following being seen around.
Hen Harrier, Montagu's Harrier, Waxwing, Bufflehead, Quail, Redstart, Water Pipit, Wood Sandpiper, Temmink's Stint, Little Stint, Little Gull, and Glaucous Gull.
So there we have it, the first list is up to 155
From now on the latest additions to the list will be shown on the Whiutemoor Haye Bird List tab just under the main picture,
Site visit reports will follow shortly.
Nice Blog and welcome back - I can add on a quick look Common Gull, Pectoral Sandpiper, Knot, Little Tern, Rock Pipit, Siskin, Garganey (Not all seen by me and no doubt others I have missed). I have definitely seen STonechat in the past by the way.
ReplyDeleteI've seen many stonechats at whitemoor
ReplyDeleteRees warblers on river trent